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Vergangene Veranstaltungen


DrupalCon Vienna 2017

Vienna, the city of music, art, culture and fine food is the beating heart of Europe. Vienna is old, Vienna is new. It is proud of its imperial heritage and at the forefront of the world's arts and creative industries once again.

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e-day 2011

Web 2.0, Online-Marketing, Medien der Zukunft, diese und viele weitere spannende Themen werden beim E-Day in Vorträgen, Workshops und Diskussionen behandelt.

Auch Drupal Austria wird mit einem kleinen Stand vertreten sein.

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Drupal Business Days Vienna

In May, 2012 the European Drupal Business Days in Vienna are going to be held for the second time.

For whom is the conference?

Evaluators and business people as well as Drupal users and developers will have the opportunity to meet up and swap ideas how to improve and support business processes, build products and grow ideas.

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Drupal Dev Days Dublin 2013

Nach München (2010), Brüssel (2011) und Barcelona (2012) finden die Drupal Dev Days heuer in Dublin statt.

Ein Muss für alle Drupal-Entwickler!


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Drupal Ironcamp

Drupal Iron Camp will hold its first event in Prague, Czech Republic 

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DrupalCon London

In August of 2011, thousands of Drupal users, developers, designers, evaluators and business people will descend on South London’s FairField Halls for sessions, talks, code sprints, and more at DrupalCon London. Whether you’re already using Drupal or considering it for your company or organisation, you wont want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind event!

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Drupal Meetup Wien Mai

Achtung: Location ist diesesmal nicht das Nelsons sondern sektor5!

Der Drupal Austria Stammtisch richtet sich an alle Interessierte am freien Content Management System Drupal. Egal ob AnfängerIn oder Drupal Ninja, alle sind herzlich willkommen!

JedeR ist eingeladen eine Präsentation zu einem beliebigen (Drupal-) Thema zu halten, sei es ein aktuelles Projekt oder ein interessantes Modul. Einfach e-mail senden oder hier kommentieren.


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Build your own website in a day with Drupal

Have you ever wanted to learn how to build websites? Have you built a website, but felt like it could have been done better? Are you familiar with Internet technologies, but would like to boost your skills and learn such a powerful tool like Drupal?
If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, “Build your own website in a day with Drupal” workshop is perfect for you!

Facebook Event Link:

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A joined meetup incl. meetup groups: viennaPHP, IoT Vienna, SilverStripes, ViennaDB, Android Heads, node.js, AngularJS, Drupal Austria & more.

Please do not join this event — instead read the instructions on how to join the dedicated xmas party groups!

Just as last year, we're having a christmas gathering. This year the event is split into two parts:

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